Secmation Partners with AUVSI’s Trusted Cyber Program
Secmation partners with the Association of Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International Trusted Cyber Program.
“Secmation’s roots are in the uncrewed systems industry. Unique for a cybersecurity company, we understand the challenges that uncrewed and autonomous systems developers face because we have done it.”
— Dr. Hal Aldridge

RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, UNITED STATES, May 16, 2023/ — Today, Secmation is proud to announce its partnership as an official working group member of the Association of Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) Trusted Cyber Program. This critical program, and its subset Green UAS program for small UAS security analysis and validation, are unique and intensely collaborative efforts across the uncrewed systems industry to focus on frameworks for key cybersecurity and supply chain risk management vulnerabilities impacting the design, development, and deployment of uncrewed systems.
“Secmation prides itself in having a seat at this important table,” said Hal Aldridge CEO of Secmation. “Secmation’s roots are in the uncrewed systems industry. Unique for a cybersecurity company, we understand the challenges that uncrewed and autonomous systems developers face because we have done it. As the uncrewed systems industry evolves across multiple domains and becomes more interconnected, the security of all these systems needs to be robust, resilient, and safe. This begins with securing these systems, their integrated capabilities, and components as early in the development cycle as possible. Secmation has deep expertise in the secure design, development, and deployment of software and engineering tools to rapidly develop uncrewed systems, and we are eager to work with customers across all domains to help them achieve compliance for security controls, frameworks, and other industry standards.”

“Uncrewed systems are increasingly relied on to conduct critical operations, and ensuring a cyber-secure foundation will maximize their potential to deliver benefits to businesses and the public,” said Michael Robbins, Chief Advocacy Officer at AUVSI. “Members of AUVSI’s Trusted Cyber Working Group are leading the industry in building foundational trust that will expand commercial and government adoption of drones and robotics.”
Secmation believes strongly in the value of organizations like AUVSI and their mission. Our employees are engaged across their multiple domain Advocacy groups, take advantage of webinars and e-learning platforms like A-Ville, and invest in annual AUVSI events like XPONENTIAL. It’s a robust partnership that brings value to our company and our industry.
About Secmation
Secmation is headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in Digital Engineering, Software Development, and Cybersecurity tools and services for Defense and Industrial applications. Our technologies reduce the time to develop, deploy, and maintain machine learning, artificial intelligence, complex automation, guidance/control, secure communications, and other critical software systems securely and on-time. Our experience in autonomous systems design enables us to provide advanced cybersecurity solutions enabling rapid compliance with cybersecurity regulations and certifications. Please reach out to Secmation at or visit to learn more about who we are, our product offerings, and our secure software development and engineering expertise.
The Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) — the world’s largest non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of uncrewed systems, autonomy and robotics — represents corporations and professionals from more than 60 countries involved in industry, government and academia. AUVSI members work in the defense, civil and commercial markets. For more information, visit
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